New café will bring people together in rural area

Published: Thursday 26 September 2024

This image shows the Cowbrye at Loanhead Farm which will be transformed into a bistro cafe

A new bistro café is to open in Clydesdale thanks to funding from the council- administered Renewable Energy Fund (REF).

Woolfords, Auchengray and Tarbrax Improvement Foundation (WATIF) will redevelop the Cowbyre at Loanhead Farm into the café.

A grant of £200,000 will be funded from Blacklaw, Muirhall /Stallashaw and Pateshill windfarms which contribute to the REF. The total cost of the project is just under £375,000, with other contributions coming from the Community Led Local Development Fund (CLLD) and WATIF.

The money will go toward various building works associated with the café, as well as funding for a two-year manager’s post to deliver community and income generating projects.

Pat Mavor, Chief Officer at WATIF, said: “We are delighted with the award from the REF which, along with match funding from CLLD, will enable us to develop our Cowbyre Café.

“In the limited time we have been open, we have seen the huge social impact that Loanhead Farm has made to both our community and further afield, and we are excited to develop this further next year.”

Chair of the council’s Community and Enterprise Resources Committee, Councillor Robert Brown, said: “This will be a fantastic asset for the local community and provide a valuable meeting place for people who stay in the villages of Woolfords, Auchengray and Tarbrax.

“Of course, I am sure it will also prove to be popular with people visiting these areas and it very much promotes community wealth building and rural entrepreneurial activity.”

Photo above shows the Cowbrye at Loanhead Farm which will be transformed into a bistro cafe.